Quick, but HUGE update over here! I alluded to this earlier today on Louisville’s Oh Oh 27 Facebook Group, however, a generous contributor (who’s chosen to remain anonymous) has agreed to match the next $4,000 in contributions to the campaign.
If it’s not obvious already, this is HUGE for us (and for the caboose!!)!
First, it means that if we keep pushing, it is very likely that we’ll meet the goal to save the caboose. Hallelujah and huzzah!! Thank you to everyone who’s shared the campaign, contributed, and otherwise helped us get this far!
Second, it opens up the opportunity for us to not only save the caboose, but make the necessary, major exterior repairs to the broad walls to keep the caboose safe from the elements.
We’ve also been able to save money on the trucking and a few other key pieces (such as railroad ties and site prep costs) thanks to you all sharing the campaign and connecting us with people willing to jump in and help both with their time and their [heavy] equipment.
Because of all this, I’ve done some algebra to update the counting the financial costs page, and have also updated the actual campaign page with the ‘stretch goal’ of making the necessary exterior repairs.
Reach out with any questions, look out for us on 9News at 6PM tonight(!!). And keep sharing!
Thank you so much,
-The Ramos Family