We started enlisting friends and neighbors to help. We called in favors. We rented a giant excavator (and quickly learned how to drive it). We bought a cutting torch on Craigslist (and Youtube’d how to use it!). We worked in below-freezing temps, we worked through 4″ of snow, and we trudged through the mud once the snow melted. Digging, chainsawing, torching, grinding, prying, and clawing every step of the way, we did everything we could to get the old caboose ready to be craned out.
Before we knew it, staring back at us were the giant, now unearthed and cut-free-from-the-tracks wheels. At one end of the caboose lay a morass of mangled tree trunks that we’d chainsawed free. Timbers and pieces of the old restaurant’s roof and its dilapidated wooden platform lay all around us.
As we stared at the caboose, we realized that it was almost free; almost ready to be craned out. We stood there in awe, realizing that maybe – just maybe – this could actually work.